
Neberu was a prince and military official of the Eighteenth Dynasty. He attended Tuthmosis III (1479-1425 B.C.E.) as chief of the royal horse barns, a high-ranking situation in this era of cavalry  units,  military  campaigns,  and  imperial  elaboration. His tomb is in the valley of the queens on the westward side of the Nile at Thebes. The portrayal of him on the lid of  his  coffin  bears  a  big  resemblance  to  Neberus actual mummified continues.

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·        Tjebu (Qaw El Kebir)
·        Nebenteru
·        Achillas
·        Vieroy of Kush
·        The House of Life
·        Mandet
·        Kafr Hassan Dawood
·        Nebertcher


Nebertcher was a divine being of Egypt, trusted to be a personification  of  the  immortals  Re and  Osiris, Nebertcher was  learned  as  embodying  the  eternal  prospects  of  these deities involved in the particular mortuary rituals of the nation.

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·        Kebawet
·        Achaemenians
·        Sanatoria
·        Tjebu (Qaw El Kebir)
·        Nebenteru
·        Achillas
·        Viceroy of Kush
·        The House of Life
·        Mandet
·        Kafr Hassan Dawood

Kafr Hassan Dawood

The serekh Narmer
from Kafr Hassan Dawood
Kafr Hassan Dawood is the contemporary name for a necropolis situation on the eastern border of the Delta of Lower Egypt in the Wadi Tumilat. The area was surveyed in 1983, and stays were discovered from the Predynastic Period to the Graeco-Roman Period. Kafr Hassan Dawood was excavated by an Egyptian excursion from 1988-1995 and since 1995 by a British-Egyptian expedition, which has uncovered more than 1,000 tombs from the Predynastic Period (Naqada II) to the Early Dynastic Period. These  burial  targets  contain  pottery and stone vessels, and the calls of the kings Narmer and Qaa have been identified.

Recent Posts:

·        Kay
·        Devoted Lakes
·        Nebemakhet
·        Kebawet
·        Achaemenians
·        Sanatoria
·        Tjebu (Qaw El Kebir)
·        Nebenteru
·        Achillas
·        Viceroy of Kush
·        The House of Life
·        Mandet
