Writing Palette and Brushes of Princess Meketaten

Writing Palette and Brushes of Princess Meketaten
Writing Palette and Brushes of Princess Meketaten

 Ivory, rush, red, yellow, and black pigments
 New Kingdom, Amarna Period
 Dynasty 18
 Reign of King Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV)
 ca. 1353–1336 B.C.
 Geography Egypt; Said to be from Upper Egypt; Thebes

Wounded Animal in a Hunting Scene: Tomb of Userhat

Wounded Animal in a Hunting Scene: Tomb of Userhat
Wounded Animal in a Hunting Scene: Tomb of Userhat

 Tempera on paper
 Twentieth Century; original New Kingdom
 Dynasty 18
 Reign of King Amenhotep II (1437-1392)
 A.D. 1922; original ca. 1427–1400 B.C.
 Geography Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes
 By the artist Charles K. Wilkinson
