CHAPTER XVIII (INTRODUCTION : From the Papyrus of Ani)

Vignette : (Upper register) : The priest An-maut-f, who wears a leo-
pard's skin, and has on the right side of his head the lock of hair of
Heru-pa-khrat (Harpocrates), introducing Ani and his wife to the gods .

I . Text : [The Speech of Sa-mer-f] (1) "I have come unto
"you, O great and godlike sovereign rulers who dwell in heaven,
"and in earth, and (2) in the underworld, and I have brought
"unto you Osiris Ani . He hath not sinned against any of the
"gods . Grant ye that he may be with you for all time ."

"Homage to thee, O thou ruler of Amentet, Un-nefer in Abtu
"(Abydos)! I have come unto thee, and my heart holdeth right
"and truth . There is no (3) sin in my body ; nor have I lied
"wittingly, nor have I done aught with a false heart . Grant thou
"to me food in the tomb, (4) and that I may come forth into
"[thy] presence at the altar of the lords of right and truth, and
"that I may enter into and come forth from the underworld,
"and that my soul be not turned back, and that I may behold
"the face of the Sun, and that I may behold the (5) Moon for
"ever and for ever ."

Vignette : (Lower register : The priest Sa-mer-f, who wears a leopard's
skin, and has on the right side of his head the lock of hair of Heru-pa-
khrat (Harpocrates), introducing Ani and his wife to the gods .

III . Text : [The Speech of Sa-mer-f] "I have come unto you,
"O sovereign princes who dwell in Re-stau, and I have brought
"unto you Osiris (2) Ani. Grant ye [to him], as to the followers
"of Horus, cakes, and water, and air, and a homestead in Sekhet-
"betep ."

STAU, BY OSIRIS, [THE SCRIBE ANI], (2) who saith :-

"Homage to thee, O king of the underworld, thou governor
"of Akert, I have come unto thee . I know thy ways, (3) and
"I am furnished with the forms which thou takest in the under-
world . Grant thou to me a place in the underworld near unto
"the lords of (4) right and truth . May my homestead be abiding
"in Sekhet-hetep, and may I receive cakes in thy presence ."

The Source: The Book oDead, the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
Translated into English by E. A. Wallis Budge, Litt.D., D.Lit
London, 1898.

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From the Papyrus of Ani:

II . The souls of Ani and his wife, in the form of human-headed hawks,
standing upon a pylon-shaped building ; the bearded soul is described as
"the soul of Osiris" .
III . A table of offerings upon which are lotus flowers, a libation
vase, etc .
IV. Two lions seated back to back and supporting the horizon with
the sun's disk, over which extends the sky; the lion on the right is called
Sc f, i . e ., "Yesterday", and that on the left Tuau, i. e ., "To-morrow"
(see lines r3-r6 of the text) .
V. The Bennu bird and a table of offerings (see lines z6-3o of the text) .
VI. The mummy of Ani on a bier within a funeral shrine ; at the head
and foot are Nephthvs and Isis in the form of hawks . Beneath the bier
are Ani's palette, variegated marble or glass vessels, etc .
Plate 8 . I . The god of "Million of years" ; on his head and in his right
hand is the emblem of "years" . His left hand is stretched out over a
pool containing the Eve of Horus (see line 46 of the text) .
II . The god Uatchet-ura (i . e., "Great Green Water"), with each hand
extended over a pool ; that under his right hand is called "Lake of
Natron", and that under his left hand, "Lake of Nitre" (see lines 47 -50
of the text) .
III . A pylon with doors, called Re-stau, i. e ., the "Gate of the passages
of the tomb" (see lines 56-58 of the text) .
IV. The Utchat, facing to the left, above a pylon (see line 73 of the
text) .
V. The cow "Meh-urt the eve of Ra", with disk and horns, collar and
,nenkt and whip (see lines 75-7g of the text) .
VI. A funeral chest from which emerge the head of Ra and his two
arms and hands, each holding the emblem of life . The chest, which is
called "the district of Abtu (Abydos)", or "the burial-place of the East",
has upon its sides figures of the four children of Horns, who protect the
intestines of Osiris or the deceased . On the right stand Tuamautef and
Qebhsennuf, and on the left Mestha and Hapi (see lines 8z and 83 of
the text) .
Plate g . I . Figures of three gods who, together with Alestha, Hapi,
Tuamautef and Qebhsennuf are the "seven Thus" referred to in line gg
of the text . Their names are :- Maa-atef-f,' Rheri-heq-f, 2 and Heru-
khenti-[an-]maati (or merti) . 3
II . The god Anpu (Anubis) jackal-headed .

III . Figures of seven gods, whose names are : Netchehnetcheh, Aaget-
qet, Khenti-hch-fl Ami-unnut-f, 2 Testier-maa, 3 Bes-maa-em-kerh, 4 and
An-em-hru s (see lines 99-io(J of the text) .
IV . The soul of Rd, in the form of a hawk with a disk on his head,
conversing in Tattu with the soul of Osiris in the form of a human-headed
bird wearing the white crown ; this scene is of the rarest occurrence (see
lines iii and zit of the text) .
Plate to . I . The Cat, emblematic of the Sun, cutting off the head of
the serpent Apep or Apepi, typical of darkness .
II . Three seated deities, each holding a knife .
III . Ani and his wife Thuthu, kneeling in adoration before the god
Rhepera, beetle-headed, who is seated in the boat of the rising sun (see
lines 116 ff. of the text) .
IV . Two apes, emblematic of the goddesses Isis and Nephthys (see
lines 124 and 125 of the text) .
V. The god Tern, seated within the Sun-disk in the boat of the set-
ting sun .
VI . The god Rchu, in the form of a lion (see line 133 of the text) .
VII . The serpent Uatchet, the lady of flame, a symbol of the Eye of
Pa, coiled round a lotus flower . Above is the emblem of fire .

From the Papyrus of Ani and pyrus of Nebseni:

LIVING SOUL . Saith Osiris, the scribe Ani, (4) after he hath
come to his haven of rest-it is good for [a man] to recite [this
work whilst he is] upon earth, for [then] all the words of (5)
Tem come to pass :-

"I am the god Tem in rising ; I am the only One . I came
"into existence in (6) Nu . I am Ra who rose in the beginning,
"the ruler of . . . . this ."' (7)
Who then is this?
It is Rd when at the beginning he rose in (8) the city of
Suten-henen (Heracleopolis Magna) crowned like a king in [his]
rising. The pillars 2 of the god Shu were not as yet created,
when he was (9) upon the high ground 3 of him that dwelleth
in Khemennu (Hermopolis Magna) .
"I am the great god who gave birth to himself, even Nu,
"(io) who made his name[s to become] the company of the gods
"as god ."
Who then (i t) is this?
It is Rd, the creator of the name[s] of his limbs, which came
into being (t 2) in the form of the gods who are in the train of Ra .
"I am he who is not driven back among the gods ." (t3)
Who then is this?
It is Tem the dweller in his disk, or (as others say), (i4) It
is Rd in his rising in the eastern horizon of heaven .
"I am Yesterday ; I know (t5) To-morrow."
Who then is this?
Yesterday is Osiris, (t6) and To-morrow is Rd on the day
when he shall destroy the enemies of Neb-er-tcher, (17) and when
he shall establish as prince and ruler his son (t8) Horns, or
(as others say), on the day when we commemorate the festival
(ig) of the meeting of the dead Osiris with his father Rd, and
when the battle of the (20) gods was fought in which Osiris,
the lord of Amentet, was the leader .
What then is this? (21)
It is Amentet, [that is to say] the creation of the souls of the
gods when Osiris was leader in Set-Amentet ; or (22) (as others
say), it is Amentet which Rd hath given unto me ; when any
god cometh, he doth arise and (23) doeth battle for it .
"I know the god who dwelleth therein ." (24)
Who then is this?

It is Osiris ; or (as others say), Rd is his name, (or) It is the
(25) phallus of Ra wherewith he was united to himself .
"I am the Bennu bird (26) which "is in Annu (Heliopolis), and
"I am the keeper of the volume of the book of things which are
"and of things which shall be ."
Who then (27) is this?
It is Osiris ; or (as others say), It is his dead body, or (as
others say), (28) It is his filth . The things which are and the
things which shall be are his dead body ; or (as others say),
(29) They are eternity and everlastingness . Eternity is the day,
and everlastingness is the (3o) night .
"I am the god Amsu in his coming forth ; may his two plumes
"(3i) be set upon my head for me ."
Who then is this?
Amsu is Horns, the avenger (32) of his father, and his coming
forth is his birth . The plumes (33) upon his head are Isis and
Nephthvs when they go forth to set themselves (34) there, even
as his protectors, and they provide that which his head (35)
lacketh, or (as . others say), they are the two exceeding great
uraei which are upon the head of their father (36) Tem, or (as
others say), his two eyes are the two plumes which are upon
his head .
"Osiris Ani, (37) the scribe of all the holy offerings, riseth
"up in his place in triumph, he cometh into (38) his city ."
What then is this?
It is the horizon of his father Tem . (3g)
"I have made an end of my short-comings, and I have put
"away my faults ."
What then (40) is this?
"It is the cutting off of the corruptible in the body of Osiris,
"the scribe Ani, (4i) victorious before all the gods ; and all his
"faults are driven out .
What (42) then is this?
It is the purification [of Osiris] on the day of his birth . (43)
"I am purified in my great double nest which is in Suten-
"henen (Heracleopolis Magna), (44) on the day of the offerings
"of the followers of the great god who is (45) therein ."
What then is this?
"Millions of years" is the name of the one [nest], "Great Green
Lake" (46) is the name of the other ; a pool of natron, and a
pool of nitre (47) ; or (as others say), "The Traverser of millions
of years" is the name of one, "Great Green Lake" (48) is the
name of the other ; or (as others say), "The Begetter of millions
of years" is the name of one, "Great Green Lake" (49) is the
name of the other . Now as concerning the great god who dwell-
eth therein, it is Rd (5o) himself .
"I pass over the way, I know the head of the Pool of Maaat ." (5 1 )
What then is this?
It is Re-stau ; that is to say, it is the underworld on the (5a)
south of Na-arut-f,s and it is the northern door of the tomb .
Now as concerning (53) the Pool of Maaat, it is Abtu (Abvdos) ;
or (as others say), It is the boat by which his father (54) Tern tra-
velleth when he goeth forth to Sekhet-Aaru, (55) which bringeth
forth the food and nourishment of the gods who are behind
[their] shrines . (56) Now the gate of Tchesert is the gate of the
pillars of Shu, (57) the northern gate of the Tuat (underworld) ;
or (as others say), It is the two leaves of the door (58) through
which the god Tern passeth when he goeth forth to the eastern
horizon of heaven . (59)
"0 ye gods who are in the presence [of Osiris], grant me
"your arms, for I am the god who (6o) shall come into being
"among you ."
Who then are these?
They are the drops of blood which (6t) came forth from the
phallus of Ra when he went forth to perform mutilation (62)
upon himself. They sprang into being as the gods Hu and Sa,
who are in the following (63) of Rd, and who accompany (64)
the god Tern daily and every day .

"I, Osiris, the scribe Ani, triumphant, (65) have filled for thee
"the Utchat after it had suffered failure (66) on the day of the
"combat of the two Fighters" (i . e ., Horus and Set).
What then (67) is this?
It is the day on which Horus fought with Set, (68) who cast
filth in the face of Horus, and when Horus destroyed the mem-
bers (69) of Set . Now this Thoth did with his own fingers .
"I lift up the (70) hair[-cloud] when there are storms and
"quakings in the sky ."
What then is this? (7i)
It is the right Eye of Rd, which raged against [Set] when (72)
he sent it forth .
Thoth raised up the hair[-cloud], and brought the Eye (73)
alive, and whole, and sound, and without defect to [its] lord ;
or (as others say), It is the Eye of Rd when it is sick and when
it (74) weepeth for its fellow-eye ; then Thoth standeth up to
cleanse it . (75)
"I behold Rd who was born yesterday from the buttocks of
"(76) the goddess Meh-urt ; his strength is my strength, and my
"strength is his strength ."
What then is this? (77)
It is the watery abyss of heaven, or (as others say), It is the
image (78) of the Eve of Ra in the morning at his daily birth .
(79) Meh-urt is the Eye (Utchat) of Rd. Therefore Osiris, (8o)
the scribe Ani, triumphant, is a great one among the gods who
are in the train of (81) Horus. The words are spoken for him
that loveth his lord .
What (82) then is this?
[The gods who are in the train of Horus are] Mesthzi, Hapi,
Tuamautef, and Qebhsennuf.
(83) "Homage to you, 0 ye lords of right and truth, ye so-
vereign princes who [stand] behind Osiris, who utterly do away
"with (84) sins and crimes and who are in the following of
"the goddess Hetep-sekhus, (85) grant [ye] that I may come unto
"you. Destroy ye [all] the faults which (86) are within me,
"even as ye did for the seven Khus (87) who are among the
"followers of their lord Sepa . Anubis appointed (88) their place
"on the day [when was said], `Come therefore thither'."
When then (89) is this?

These lords of right and truth are Thoth and (go) Astes, the
lord of Amentet . The sovereign princes [who stand] behind Osiris,
even Mestha, (gi) I-Iapi, Tuamautef, and Qebhsennuf, are they
who are (92) behind the Thigh in the northern sky .
Now those who do utterly away with (93) sins and crimes
and who are in the following of Hetep-sekhus (9a) are the god
Sebek who dwelleth in the water .
The goddess Hetep-sekhus is the Eye of (95) Rd ; or (as others
say), it is the flame which followeth after Osiris to burn up (96)
the souls of his enemies .
As concerning all the faults which are in (97) Osiris, the scribe
of the offerings of all the gods, Ani, triumphant, [this is all
that he hath done against the lords of eternity I] since he came
forth from (g8) his mother's womb .
As concerning the Seven Khus (gg), even Mestha, Hapi, Tua-
mautef, Qebhsennuf, (ioo) Maa-atef-f, Kheri-beq-f, and Heru-
khenti-[an]maati, (ioi) Anubis appointed them to be protectors
of the dead body of Osiris or (as others say), [set them] (102)
behind the place of purification of Osiris ; or (as others say),
those Seven Khus are (io3) Netcheh-netchch, Aatqetqet, An-
erta-nef-bes-f-khenti-heh-(io4)f, Aq-her-ami-unnut-f, Tesher-
maati-ami-(so5)het-Anes, Ubes-hra-per-em-khet-khet, and (io6)
Maa-em-kerb-an-nef-cm-hru . The chief of the sovereign princes
(107) who are in Na-arut-f is Horus, the avenger of his father .
As concerning (zo8) the day [upon which was said], "Come
therefore thither," it referreth to the words, "Come (iog) then
thither," which Ra spake unto Osiris . Lo, may this be said unto
me in Amentet!
"I am the divine Soul which dwelleth in the two divine
Tchafz" . (i i o)

What then is this?
It is Osiris [when] he goeth into Tattu (i i i) and findeth there
the Soul of Rd ; there the one god embraceth (112) the other,
and divine souls spring into being within the two divine Tchafi .
[The following lines are from the Papyrus of Nebseni (Brit. Mus . No . 9,900,
sheet 14, 1 . i6 ff.) .]
(16) As concerning the two divine Tehafi they are I;Ieru-neteh-
hra-tef-f (17) and Heru-khent-an-maati ; or (as others say), the
double divine Soul which dwelleth in the two divine Tchafi is
the Soul of Rd and the Soul of Osiris ; [or (as others say),] It is
the Soul (i8) which dwelleth in Shu, [and] the Soul which
dwelleth in Tefnut, and these are the double divine Soul which
dwelleth in Tattu .
"I am the Cat which fought(?) hard by the Persea tree (ig)
"in Annu (Heliopolis), on the night when the foes of Neb-er-tcher
"were destroyed ."
Who then is this?
The male Cat is Rd (20) himself, and he is called 'Mau' by
reason of the speech of the god Sa, [who said] concerning him
"He is like (mdu) unto that which he hath made" ; thus his name
became 'Maau' ; I or (as others say), it is the god (21) Shu who
maketh over the possessions of Seb to Osiris .
As concerning the fight (?) hard by the Persea tree in Annu,
it concerneth the children of impotent revolt when (22) justice
is wrought on them for what they have done .
As concerning the night of the battle [these words refer to] the
inroad [of the children of impotent revolt] into the eastern part
of heaven, whereupon there arose a battle in heaven and in all
the earth .
"0 thou who art in thine egg (23) (i . e ., Rd), who shinest
"from thy Disk and risest in thy horizon, and dost shine like
"gold above the sky, like unto whom there is none among the
"gods, who sailest over the pillars (24) of Shu (i . e ., in the ether),
"who givest blasts of fire from thy mouth, [who makest the two
"lands bright with thy radiance, deliver] thou the pious Nebseni
"from the god (25) whose form is hidden, whose eyebrows are
"like unto the two arms of the Balance on the night of reckoning
"destruction ."

Who then is this?
It is An-a-f (i. e ., the god who bringeth his arm) . (26)
As concerning "the night of reckoning destruction", it is the
night of the burning of the damned, and of the overthrow of
wicked at the block, (27) and of the slaughter of souls .
Who then is this?
It is Nemu, the headsman of Osiris, or (as others say), It is
Apep when he riseth up with one head bearing Maat (i . e ., right
and truth) [upon it] ; (28) or (as others say), It is Horus when
he riseth up with a double head, whereof the one beareth right
and truth and the other wickedness . (29) He bestoweth wicked-
ness on him that worketh wickedness, and right and truth upon
him that followeth righteousness and truth ; or (as others says),
It is Horus the Great who (3o) dwelleth in Sekhem (Letopolis) ;
or (as others say), It is Thoth ; or (as others say), It is Nefer-
Tern ; [or (as others say),] It is Sept who doth thwart the acts
of the foes of Neb-er-tcher .
"Deliver thou the scribe Nebseni, victorious, from the Watchers
"who bear slaughtering knives, and who have cruel fingers, and
"who slay those who are in the following of Osiris . (3r) May
"they never gain the mastery= over me, may I never fall under
"their knives ."
What then is this :
It is Anubis, and it is Horus in the form of Khent-(32),in-
maati ; or (as others say), It is the sovereign princes who thwart
the works of their weapons ; or (as others say), It is the chiefs
of the Sheniu chamber.
"May (33) their knives never gain the mastery over me, may
"I never fall under their instruments of cruelty, for (34) I know
"their names, and I know the being Matchet who is among them
"in the House of Osiris, shooting rays of light from [his] eye, but
"who himself is unseen . (35) He goeth round about heaven robed
"in the flame of his mouth, commanding Hapi, but remaining
"himself unseen . May I be strong upon earth before Rd, may
"I come happily into haven (36) in the presence of Osiris .
"Let not your offerings be wanting to me, 0 ve who preside
"over your altars, for I am among those who follow after Neb-
"er-tcher according to the writings (37) of Khepera . I fly as a
"hawk, I cackle as a goose ; I ever slay, even as the serpent-god-
"dess Neheb-ka ."
What then is this? (38)
Those who preside over their altars are the similitude of the
Eye of Rd and the similitude of the Eye of Horns .
"O Ra- (39) Tern, thou lord of the Great House,' thou Sove-
reign (Life, Strength and Health!) of all the gods, deliver thou
"the scribe Nebseni, victorious, from the god whose face (40) is
"like unto that of a greyhound, whose brows are as those of a
"man and who feedeth upon the dead, who watcheth at the
"Bight of the Lake (41) of Fire, and who devoureth the bodies
"of the dead and swalloweth hearts, and who shooteth forth
"filth, but he himself remaineth unseen ."
Who then is (42) this?
"Devourer for millions of years" is his name, and he liveth
in the Aat. 2 As concerning the Aat, it is that which is in An-
rut-f, hard by (43) the Sheniu chamber. The unclean man who
would walk thereover doth fall down among the knives ; or (as
others say), His name is "Mates", 3 (44) and he is the Watcher
of the door of Amentet ; or (as others say), His name is "Beba"
and it is he who watcheth the Bight of Amentet ;
say), "Heri-sep-f" is his name .
"Hail, Lord of terror, chief of the lands
"South, thou lord of the red glow (or red
"preparest the slaughter-block, and who dost
"ward parts!"
Who then is this?
The guardian of the Bight of Amentet . (46)
What then is this?
It is the heart of Osiris, which is the devourer of all slaughtered
things. The Ureret crown hath been given unto him with glad-
ness of heart as lord of Suten-henen (Heracleopolis Magna) .
What then (47) is this?
He to whom hath been given the Ureret crown with gladness
of heart as lord of Suten-henen is Osiris . He was bidden to rule
among the gods on the day of the union of earth (48) in the
presence of Neb-er-tcher .
What then is this?
He that was bidden to rule among the gods is [Horus] the
son of Isis, who was appointed to rule in the place of his father
(49) Osiris . As concerning the "day of the union of earth with
earth", it is the mingling of earth with earth in the coffin of
Osiris, the Soul that liveth in Suten-henen, the giver of meat
and drink, the destroyer of wrong, and the guide of the ever-
lasting paths .
Who then is this?
It is Rd himself.
"Deliver thou the Osiris Nebseni, victorious,"
[The following lines are from the Papyrus of Ani (Brit . Mus . No. 10 i 470,
sheet 10, 1 . 7 ff.) .]
"(i 13) from the great god who carrieth away the soul, who eateth
"hearts, and who feedeth upon 04) offal, the guardian of the
"darkness, the dweller in the Seker boat ; those who live in
"crime [1151 fear him ."
Who then is this?
It is Suti, or (as others say), It is Smam-ur, (116) the soul
of Seb .
"Hail, Khepera in thy boat, the two-fold company of the gods
"is thy body! Deliver thou Osiris (I 17) Ani, victorious, from the
"Watchers who give judgment, who have been appointed by the
"god Neb-er-tcher 018) to protect him and to fasten the fet-
ters on his foes, and who slaughter in the (r i9) shambles ;
"there is no escape from their grasp . May they never stab me
"with their knives, (i2o) may I never fall helpless into their
"chambers of torture . (121) Never have the things which the gods
"hate been done by me, for I am pure within the Alesget. (122)
"Cakes of saffron have been brought unto him in Tanenet."
Who then is this? (123)
It is Khepera in his boat. It is Rd himself. As concerning
the Watchers (124) who give judgment, they are the apes Isis
and Nephthys . As concerning the things which are abominated
by the gods they are wickedness (125) and falsehood ; and he
who passeth through the place of purification within the Mesget
is Anpu (Anubis), who is behind the chest (126) which con-
taineth the inward parts of Osiris . He to whom saffron cakes
have been brought (127) in Tanenet is Osiris ; or (as others say),
The saffron cakes (128) in Tanenet are heaven and earth ; or
(as others say), They are Shu, strengthener of the two lands
in (129) Suten-henen (Heracleopolis Magna) . The saffron cakes
are the Eve of Horus ; and Tanenet (13o) is the burial-place
of Osiris . Tern hath built thy house, and the double Lion-god
bath founded thy habitation ; (131) lo! drugs are brought, and
Horns purifieth and Set strengtheneth, and Set purificth and Horns
strengtheneth . (132)
"The Osiris, the scribe Ani, victorious before Osiris, hath come
"into the land, and he bath taken possession thereof with his
"two feet . He is Tem, and he is in the city ."
(133) "Turn thou back, 0 Rehu, whose mouth shineth, whose
"head moveth, turn thou back from before his strength", or (as
others say), "Turn thou back from him who keepeth (134) watch
"and is unseen ." "The Osiris Ani is safely guarded . He is Isis,
"and he is found (r35) with [her] hair spread over him, I shake
"it out over his brow . He was conceived in Isis and begotten
"(136) in Nephthys ; and they cut off from him the things which
"should be cut off."
"Fear followeth after thee, terror is upon (137) thine arms .
"Thou hast been embraced for millions of years by the arms
"[of the nations] ; mortals go round about thee. Thou smitest
"down the mediators (138) of thy foes, and thou seizest the arms
"of the powers of darkness . The two sisters (i . e ., Isis and Nephthys)
"are given to thee for thy delight . (139) Thou hast created that
"which is in Kher-aba and that which is in Annu (Heliopolis) .
"Every god feareth thee, for thou art exceeding great and terrible
"thou [avengest] every (14o) god on the man that curseth him,
"and thou shootest out arrows    Thou livest according to
"thy will ; thou art Uatchet, the Lady of Flame . Evil cometh
"(141) among those who set themselves up against thee ."
What then is this?
"Hidden in form, granted of (142) Menhu", is the name of
the tomb. "He seeth what is on his hand" is the name of Qerau ;
or (as others say), (143) the name of the block .
Now he whose mouth shineth and whose head moveth is the
member of Osiris, or (as others say) (144) of Rd . "Thou spreadest
thy hair and I shake it out over his brow" is spoken concerning
Isis, who hideth in her hair (145) and draweth her hair over
her. Uatchet, the Lady of Flames, is the Eye of Ra .

The Source: The Book oDead, the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
Translated into English by E. A. Wallis Budge, Litt.D., D.Lit
London, 1898.

Related Posts:

       Hymn to Ra.

Chap . XVI Vignette only. From the Papyrus of Ani

Chap . XVI Vignette only. From the Papyrus of Ani

The scene to which Lepsius inadvertently gave the number
XVI and which he regarded as a Chapter of the Book of theDead is,
strictly speaking, only a vignette intended to accompany the hymn
to the rising Sun that forms part of the introductory matter
to the Chapters of the Book of the Dead which
we find in some of the oldest papyri of the Theban period .

In the Papyrus of Ani we see the Sun's disk supported by a pair
of arms which emerge from the sign of life ; this, in its turn,
is supported by the pillar which symbolizes the tree-trunk which
contained the dead body of Osiris . This pillar rests upon the
horizon . On each side of it are three apes typical of the Spirits
of the Dawn, adoring the disk ; on the right is the goddess
Nephthys and on the left is the goddess Isis, Nephthys kneels
upon the symbol of the sunset, and Isis upon the symbol of the
dawn. Above the whole scene is the vaulted sky . In the Papyrus
of Hu-nefer the pillar is endowed with human arms and hands,
which grasp the crook and flail, emblematic of Osiris' reign and
rule, and the two goddesses are standing upright ; one says
"I am thy sister Nephthys", and the other : "I am thy sister
Isis, the divine mother ." The sun is typified by a hawk having
a disk, encircled by an uraeus, upon his head . The apes are
here seven in number, four stand in front and three behind ;
above the whole scene is the vaulted sky .

Certain papyri have also vignettes which illustrate the hymns to
the setting sun . 2 In this case the hawk usually stands upon the
emblem of the West while apes and gods adore him . In the
Papyrus of Qenna on the right three hawk-headed gods kneel
in adoration with their left arms raised, and on the left three
jackal-headed gods, with their right arms raised in adoration .
Below, two lion-headed gods, with disks on their heads, are seated
back to back in a cluster of lotus flowers ; these typify dawn
and eventide . The goddess Isis kneels in adoration before the
lion of the dawn, and the goddess Nephthys before the lion of
eventide .

The Source: The Book oDead, the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
Translated into English by E. A. Wallis Budge, Litt.D., D.Lit
London, 1898.

Related Posts:

       Hymn to Ra.

   3 - A Hymn to the Setting Sun . From the Papyrus of XlXth dynasty.

A Hymn to the Setting Sun . From the Papyrus of XIXth dynasty

Vignette : The deceased and his wife standing with both hands raised
in adoration before a table of offerings, upon which are a libation vase
and lotus flowers .

OF HEAVEN . He (i . e ., the deceased) saith :-

"Homage to thee, (4) O Ra [who] in thy setting art (5) Tem-
"Heru-khuti (Tem-Harmachis), thou divine god, thou self-created
"(7) being, thou primeval matter [from which all things were
"made]. When [thou] appearest (8) in the bows of [thy] bark
"men shout for joy at (9) thee, O maker of the gods! (10) Thou
"didst stretch out the heavens wherein thy two eyes r might travel,
"thou didst make the earth to be a vast chamber for thy Khus,
"so that (11) every man might know his fellow . The Sektet boat
"is glad, and the Matet boat rejoiceth ; (12) and they greet thee
"with exaltation as thou journevest along . The god Nu is content,
"and thy (13) mariners are satisfied ; the uraeus-goddess hath over-
"thrown thine enemies, and thou hast carried off the legs of Apep .
"Thou art beautiful, (14) O Ra, each day, and thy mother Nut
"embraceth thee ; thou settest in beauty, and thy heart is glad
"(15) in the horizon of Manu, and the holy beings therein re-
joice . (16) Thou shinest there with thy beams, O thou great god,
"Osiris, the everlasting Prince . The lords of (17) the zones of
"the Tuat in their caverns stretch out their hands in adoration
"before (18) thy Ka (double), and they cry out to thee, and they
"all come forth in the train of thy form shining brilliantly . (iy)
"The hearts of the lords of the Tuat (underworld) are glad
"when thou (20) sendest forth thy glorious light in Amentet ;
"their two eyes are directed towards thee, (21) and they press
"forward to see thee, and their hearts rejoice when they do see
"thee . Thou hearkenest unto (22) the acclamations of those that
"are in the funeral chest,' thou doest away with their helpless-
ness and drivest away the evils which are about (23) them.
"Thou givest breath to their nostrils and they take hold of the
"bows of thy hark (24) in the horizon of Mann . Thou art beauti-
ful each day, O Ra, and may thy mother Nut embrace Osiris
" 2 victorious ."

The Source: The Book oDead, the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
Translated into English by E. A. Wallis Budge, Litt.D., D.Lit
London, 1898.

Related Posts:

               2 - A Hymn to the Setting Sun  . From the Papyrus of at-hetep

A Hymn to the Setting Sun . From the Papyrus of Mut-hetep

Vignette : In this papyrus this Chapter is without a vignette .
NETHERWORLD, and of seeing the Disk when he setteth in Amen-
tet, [when] he is adored by the gods and by the Khus in the
underworld, and [when] the Soul (2) which dwelleth in Ra is
made perfect. He is made mighty before Tern ; he is made great
before Osiris ; he setteth his terror before the company of the
gods who are the guides of the netherworld ; he maketh long(?)
his steps and he maketh his face to enter (?) [with that of] the
great god . Now every K/ u, for whom these words shall have
been said, shall conic forth by day in any form which he is
pleased to take ; (4) he shall gain power among the gods of the
Tuat (underworld), and they shall recognize him as one of them-
selves ; and he shall enter in at the hidden gate with power .

The lady (5) Mut-hetep, victorious, singeth hymns of praise
to thee, [saying] : "O Ra-Tem, in thy splendid progress thou
"risest, and thou settest as a living being in the glories (6) of
"the western horizon, ; thou settest in thy territory which is in
"Manu . Thy uraeus is behind thee, thy uraeus is behind thee .
"Homage to thee, O thou who art in peace, homage to thee, O
"thou who art in peace . Thou art joined unto the Eve of Tem,
"and it chooseth (7) its powers of protection [to place] behind
"thy members . Thou goest forth through heaven, thou travellest
"over the earth, and thou journcyest onward . O Luminary,
"the northern and southern halves of heaven come to thee and
"they bow low in adoration, (8) and they pay homage unto thee,
"day by day . The gods of Amentet rejoice in thy beauties and
"the unseen places sing hymns of praise unto thee . Those who
"dwell in the Sektet boat (9) go round about thee, and the
"Souls of the East pay homage to thee, and when they meet thy
"Majesty they cry : `Come, come in peace!' There is a shout
"of welcome to thee (10), O lord of heaven and governor of
"Amentet! Thou art acknowledged by Isis who seeth her son
"in thee, the lord of fear, the mighty one of terror . Thou settest
"as a living being (11) in the hidden place . Thy father [Ta-]
"tunen raiseth thee up and he placeth both his hands behind
"thee ; thou becomest endowed with divine attributes in [thy]
"members of earth ; thou wakest in peace and thou settest (12 )
"in Manu.r Grant thou that I may become a being honoured
"before Osiris, and that I may come to thee, O Ra-Tem! I have
"adored thee, therefore do thou for me that which I wish . Grant
"thou (13) that I may be victorious in the presence of the company
"of the gods . Thou art beautiful, O Ra, in thy western horizon
"of Amentet, thou lord of Maat, thou mighty one of fear, thou
"whose attributes are majestic, O thou who art greatly (14) be-
loved by those who dwell in the Tuat (underworld) ; thou shinest
"with thy beams upon the beings that are therein perpetually,
"and thou sendest forth thy light upon the path of Re-stau . Thou
"openest up the path of the double Lion-god, thou settest the
"(15) gods upon [their] thrones, and the Klutz in their abiding
"places . The heart of Naarerf 2 is glad [when] Ra setteth, the
"heart of Naarerf is glad when Ra setteth ."

"Hail, O ye gods of the land of Amentet who make offerings
"and oblations unto (16) Ra-Tem, ascribe ye glory [unto him
"when] ye meet him . Grasp ye your weapons and overthrow ye
"the fiend Sebd on behalf of Ra, and (17) repulse the fiend Nebt
"on behalf of Osiris . The gods of the land of Amentet rejoice
"and lay hold upon the cords of the Sektet boat, and they come
"in peace ; (18) the gods of the hidden place who dwell in
"Amentet triumph ."

"Hail, Thoth, who didst make Osiris to triumph over his
"enemies, make thou Mut-hetep, victorious, to triumph over her
"enemies (19) in the presence of the great divine sovereign chiefs
"who live with Osiris, the lord of life . The great god who dwell-
"eth in his Disk cometh forth, that is, Horns the avenger of his
"father, Unnefer-Ra . (20) Osiris setteth, and the Khu[s] who are
"in the Tuat (underworld) say : Homage to thee, O thou who
"comest as Tem, and who comest into being as the creator of
"the gods . Homage to thee, O thou who comest as the holy
"Soul of souls, who dwellest in the horizon . Homage to thee
"who art more glorious than [all] the gods and who illuminest
"the Tuat with thine Eve. Homage to thee who sailest in thy
"glory and who goest round about in thy Disk ."

II . The following variant of the above hymn is translated from
the text in the Papyrus of Nekhtu-Amen (Naville, Todtenbuch,
Bd. ii . P . 23) .

UNDERWORLD, of seeing the Disk when he setteth in Amentet,
[when] he is adored by the gods and by the Klnts of the Tuat
(underworld), and [when] the divine Khu which dwelleth within
Rd is made perfect . He setteth his might before Ra, he setteth
his power before Tem, [he setteth his strength] before Khenti-
Amentet, and he setteth his terror before the company of the
gods . The Osiris of the gods goeth as leader through the Tuat
(underworld), he crasheth through mountains, he bursteth through
rocks, he maketh glad (?) the heart of everv Khu. This com-
position shall be recited by the deceased when he cometh forth
and when he goeth in with the gods, among whom he findeth
no opposition ; then shall he come forth by day in all the
manifold and exceedingly numerous forms which he may be
pleased to take. [The Osiris    saith : -]

"A hymn of praise to Ra at eventide [when] he setteth as a
"living being in Baakha .r The great god who dwelleth in his
"Disk riseth in his two eyesa and all the Khus of the under-
"world receive him in his horizon of Amentet ; they shout praises
"unto Heru-khuti (Harmachis) in his form of Tem, and they sing
"hymns of joy to Ra when they have received him at the head
"of his beautiful path of Amentet"

He (i . e ., the deceased) saith : "Praise be unto thee, O Ra,
"praise be unto thee, O Tem, in thy splendid progress . Thou
"hast risen and thou hast put on strength, and thou settest like
"a living being amid thy glories in the horizon of Amentet, in
"thy domain which is in Manu . Thy uraeus-goddess is behind
"thee ; thy uraeus-goddess is behind thee . Hail to thee, in peace ;
"hail to thee, in peace . Thou joinest thyself unto the Eye of
"Horns, and thou hidest thyself within its secret place ; it des-
"troveth for thee all the convulsions of thy face, it maketh thee
"strong with life, and thou livest . It bindeth its protecting amulets
"behind thy members . Thou sailest forth over heaven, and thou
"makest the earth to be stablished ; thou joinest thyself unto the
"upper heaven, O Luminary . The two regions of the East and
"West make adoration unto thee, bowing low and paying ho-
mage unto thee and they praise thee day by day ; the gods of
"Amentet rejoice in thy splendid beauties . The hidden places
"adore thee, the aged ones make offerings unto thee, and they
"create for thee protecting powers . The divine beings who dwell
"in the eastern and western horizons transport thee, and those
"who are in the Sektet boat convey thee round and about. The
"Souls of Amentet cry out unto thee and say unto thee when
"they meet thy majesty (Life, Health, Strength!) `All hail, all
"hail!' When thou comest forth in peace there arise shouts of
"delight to thee, O thou lord of heaven, thou Prince of Amentet .
"Thy mother Isis embraceth thee, and in thee she recognizeth
"her son, the lord of fear, the mighty one of terror . Thou settest
"as a living being within the dark portal . Thv father Tatunen
"lifteth thee up and he stretcheth out his two hands behind thee ;
"thou becomest a divine being in the earth . Thou wakest as
"thou settest, and thy habitation is in Manu . Grant thou that
"1 may be venerated before Osiris, and come thou [to me], O
"Ra-Tem. Since thou hast been adored [by me] that which I
"wish thou shalt do for me day by day. Grant thou victory
"[unto me] before the great company of the gods, O Ra who
"art doubly beautiful in thy horizon of Amentet, thou lord of
"Maat who dwellest in the horizon . The fear of thee is great,
"thy forms are majestic, and the love of thee is great among
"those who dwell in the underworld ."

The Source: The Book oDead, the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
Translated into English by E. A. Wallis Budge, Litt.D., D.Lit
London, 1898.

Related Posts:

Chap . XV :


- Hymn to Ra . From the Papyrus of Ani.


PART OE HEAVEN. Those who are in his train (2) rejoice, and lo!
Osiris Ani, victorious, saith :-

"Hail, thou Disk, thou lord of rays, (3) who risest on the
"horizon day by day! Shine thou with thy beams of light upon
"the face of Osiris Ani, who is victorious ; for he singeth hymns
"of praise unto thee at (4) dawn, and he maketh thee to set at
"eventide with words of adoration . May the soul of Osiris Ani,
"the triumphant one, come forth (5) with thee into heaven, may
"he go forth in the Matet boat . May he come into port in the
"Sektet boat, and may he cleave his path among the never (6)
"resting stars in the heavens ."

Osiris Ani, being in peace and in triumph, adoreth his lord,
(7) the lord of eternity, saving : "Homage to thee, O Heru-khuti
"(Harmachis), who art the god Khepera, the self-created ; when
"thou risest on the (8) horizon and sheddest thy beams of light
"upon the lands of the North and of the South, thou art beauti-
ful, yea beautiful, and all the gods rejoice when they behold
"thee, (9) the King of heaven . The goddess Nebt-Unnut is
"stablished upon thy head ; and her uraei of the South and of
"the North are upon thy brow ; (10) she taketh up her place
"before thee . The god Thoth is stablished in the bows of thy
"boat to destroy utterly all thy foes . (11) Those who are in
"the Tuat (underworld) come forth to meet thee, and they bow
"in homage as they come towards thee, to behold [thy] (12)
"beautiful Image. And I have come before thee that I may be
"with thee to behold thv Disk every day . May I not be shut up
"in [the tomb], may I not be (13) ; turned back, may the limbs
"of my body be made new again when I view thy beauties,
"even as [are those of] all thy favoured ones, (14) because I am
"one of those who worshipped thee [whilst I lived] upon earth .
"May I come in unto the land of eternity, may I come even
"(15) unto the everlasting land, for behold, O my lord, this hast
"thou ordained for me ."

And lo, Osiris Ani triumphant in peace, the triumphant one,
saith : (16) "Homage to thee, O thou who risest in thy horizon
"as Ra, thou reposest upon law [which changeth not nor can it be
"altered] . Thou passest over the sky, and every face watcheth
"thee (17) and thy course, for thou hast been hidden from their
"gaze . Thou dost shew thyself at dawn and at eventide day
"by day . (18) The Sektet boat, wherein is thy_ Majesty, goeth
"forth with might ; thy beams [shine] upon [all] faces ; [the num-
ber] of thy red and yellow rays cannot be known, nor can thy
"bright (19) beams be told . The lands of the gods, and the
"eastern lands of Punt I must be seen, ere that which is hidden
"(20) [in thee] may be measured . Alone and by thyself thou
"dost manifest thyself [when] thou comest into being above Nu
"(i . e ., the sky) . May Ani (21) advance, even as thou dost ad-
vance ; may he never cease [to go forward], even as thy Majesty
"ceaseth not [to go forward], even though it be for a moment ;
"for with strides dost thou (22) in one little moment pass over
"the spaces which would need hundreds of thousands and millions
"of years [for man to pass over ; this] thou doest, and then
"dolt thou sink to rest . Thou (23) puttest an end to the hours
"of the night, and thou dost count them, even thou ; thou endest
"them in thine own appointed season, and the earth becometh
"light . (24) Thou settest thyself before thy handiwork in the
"likeness of Ra ; thou risest in the horizon ."

Osiris, the scribe Ani, triumphant, declareth (25) his praise of
thee when thou shinest, and when thou risest at dawn he crieth
in his joy at thy birth : (26) "Thou art crowned with the ma-
"jesty of thy beauties ; thou mouldest thy limbs as thou dost
"advance, and thou bringest them forth without birth-pangs in
"the form of (27) Ra, as thou dost rise up into the upper air .
"Grant thou that I may come unto the heaven which is ever-
"lasting, and unto the mountain where dwell thy favoured ones .
"May I be joined (28) unto those shining beings, holy and per-
fect, who are in the underworld ; and may I come forth with
"them to behold thy beauties when thou shinest (29) at even-
"tide and goest to thy mother Nu . Thou dost place thyself in
"the west, and my two hands are [raised] in adoration [of thee]
"(30) when thou settest as a living being . Behold, thou art the
"maker of eternity, and thou art adored [when] thou settest in the
"heavens. I have given my heart unto thee (31) without wavering,
"O thou who art mightier than the gods ."

Osiris Ani, triumphant, saith : "A hymn of praise to thee, O
"thou who risest like unto gold, and who dost flood the world
"with light on the day of thy birth . Thy mother giveth thee
"birth upon [her] hand, and thou dost give light unto the course
"of the Disk (33) . O thou great Light, who shinest in the heavens,
"thou dost strengthen the generations of men with the Nile-flood,
"and thou dost cause gladness in all lands, and in all cities (34),
"and in all the temples . Thou art glorious by reason of thy
"splendours, and thou makest strong thy ka (i . e ., Double) with
"hit and tchefau foods . O thou who art the mighty one of vic-
tories, (35) thou who art the Power of [all] Powers, who dost
"make strong thv throne against evil fiends ; who art glorious
"in majesty in the Sektet boat, and who art exceeding mighty
"(36) in the Atet boat, make thou glorious Osiris Ani with vic-
tory in the underworld ; grant thou that in the netherworld he
"may be (37) without evil . I pray thee to put away [his] faults
"behind thee : grant thou that he may be one of thy venerable
"servants (38) who are with the shining ones ; may he be joined
`unto the souls which are in Ta-tchesertet ; and may he journey
"into the Sekhet-Aaru (38) by a prosperous and happy decree,
"he the Osiris, the scribe, Ani, triumphant ."

And the god saith :-

(40) "Thou shalt come forth into heaven, thou shalt pass over
"the sky, thou shalt be joined into the starry deities . Praises
"shall be offered (41) unto thee in thy boat, thou shalt be hymned
"in the Atet boat, (42) thou shalt behold Ra within his shrine,
"thou shalt set together with his Disk day by day, thou shalt see
"(43) the Ant fish when it springeth into being in the waters of
"turquoise, and thou shalt see (44) the Abtu fish in his hour .
"It shall come to pass that the Evil One shall fall when he laveth
"a snare to destroy thee, (45) and the joints of his neck and of
"his back shall be hacked asunder . Ra [saileth] with a fair wind,
"and the Sektet boat draweth on (46) and cometh into port . The
"mariners of Ra rejoice, and the heart of Nebt-ankh t is glad, (47)
"for the enemy of her lord bath fallen to the ground . Thou
"shalt behold Horus on the standing-place of the pilot of the
"boat, and Thoth and Maat shall stand one upon each side of
"him. (48) All the gods shall rejoice when they behold Ra coming
"in peace (49) to make the hearts of the shining ones to live,
"and Osiris Ani, victorious, the scribe of the divine offerings of
"the lords of Thebes, shall be along with them!"

The Source: The Book oDead, the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
Translated into English by E. A. Wallis Budge, Litt.D., D.Lit
London, 1898.

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Chap . XV :

