Hieroglyphic name:
Hieroglyphic name of Amenemhet IV |
Amenemhat IV name: Amenemhat or Amenemhet
Statue of Amenemhet IV |
Amenemhat IV prevailed from 1799 B.C.E. until his dying. The son of
Amenemhat III and probably Queen Aat, he served as coregent with his father for two years and kept the familys projects in the Faiyum, the lush area in middle Egypt. He is considered to have raised the temple of Qasr El-saghah, just north of Lake Qarun. He also
completed Amenemhat III's temple at Medinet Maadi, and he sent an expedition to the Sinai and defended Trade pacts. Sobekneferu, the sister of King Amenemhat IV, whom he had married, assumed the throne when he died afterwards a brief reign. Sobekneferu thus got a woman pharaoh, the only woman taking that title in the
Middle Kingdom (2040-1640 B.C.E.). The two pyramids at
Mazghuna, in the southeastern part of Dashur, are imputed to this royal couple, the last swayer of the Twelfth Dynasty, getting to an end this royal line and an full historical period.
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