Entrance of the Tomb of Rekhmire |
A vizier under
Tuthmosis III and Amenophis II, a very easy time. His grandfather and great-grandfather were also viziers. Fast for
Aswan to Assiut. Mayor of Thebes and the Steward of the temple of
Amun at
Karnak. An account of his duties as viizier are distinct in the tomb. Everyhting we recognize about him occurs from his tomb. Inserted ast least doubly within a century of his burial most of the contents were carried off. First seen in modern times in 1819-22. It was later visited throughout the 19th century.
This tomb checks a courtyard lading to a vestibule then a long chapel with a high ceiling (10 feet at the entree to 27 feet at the rear). There are some 300 m2 to adorn. No ritual shot was found and it is taken that he was never forgotten in the tomb. The lobby is decorated in an archaic style similair to
Middle Kingdom tombs and passes into the Chapel (D). Many daily life prospects are in the chapel, in good color and preservation.
Inside the Tomb of Rekhmire |
On the left are views of intersections ofo Egypt, on the next well is an autobiographic text. ON the northern wall are pictures of tributes paid to egypt. Tribute is of five types: 1) the people of Punt bringing incense trees, baboons, monekys and hides 2) Kefti (Crete) carrying pots and cubs 2) Kuchites (Nubians) bring giraffes, leoparts, baboons, monkeys, and dogs, and ivory, hides, and gold 4) Syraisn, brigning lots, carts, weapons and horses, a bear and an elephant, and 5 people from different lands. The quality is oustanding in the hcapel, but the ceiling is so high they are difficult to see. Six reads on the western wall show
Rekhmire supervising the gathering and grooming of food. Then eight registers with prospects of labor carried out by workmen (potters, caprenters, decorators, goldworker, and masons). Then ten cross-file of the actual funeral rise. The back wall has a niche for a a stele and a false door an
Old Kingdom element. On the eastern wall are paintings o fhis sons Menkeper-re-seneb, Amenophis, and Senusret, and ten cross-file with show rites executed in front of the statue of Rekhmire. Finally, a ten-register feast scene which is the bezst cosmetic work in the tomb.
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